Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The end of the year quickly approaches. And, with with so many other people, I am contemplating resolutions. I'm actually a huge fan of resolutions--I'm such a big fan, that I don't restrict myself to the beginning of a new year to make them. Any excuse will do, really. I make resolutions during Lent and Advent. But even with these designated extra times, I find myself wishing there was a time, smack dab in the middle of the summer for a period of resolution-making and attempted resolution-keeping. I find it amazing (and actually heartening) that in our modern world people still find the need for discipline. Because that's really what resolutions are about--we need an excuse to be disciplined, to stop the cycle of selfishness, of gluttonous, slothful, in short, sinful behavior. This is great, and should definitely be encouraged.

Oh, yeah, back to resolutions. As I mentioned in the last post, my resolution for Advent was to be more open (i.e. vulnerable). This is EXTREMELY difficult for me. It's actually quite the paradox that I am a writer that struggles with opening up, expressing the real me. But, there it is. And given four weeks to contemplate my struggle, and practice the virtues that accompany it, I barely scratched the surface. On Christmas Day, I shook my head, and muttered, "I need more time."

So, my first resolution of the New Year is, once again, to be open: to find that unique balance between "guarding my heart but not hiding my face." To be the real, authentic Marie. That's a tall order. It may take me beyond this year to achieve it. But, if you think about it, each saint did just that. They were completely, and unabashedly THEMSELVES. And, more importantly, THEMSELVES IN CHRIST. This then is the call to holiness, the call to sanctity. As St. Irenaeus so beautifully expressed: "The glory of God is man FULLY ALIVE." Here's to being fully alive in 2011.


  1. Go you! I can not wait to hear how it goes.

  2. WOW! What a great resolution. "Are you fully alive?" is the motto of Catholic Youth Expeditions, a Catholic organization here in Wisconsin that promotes the Gospel through outdoor adventure, camping, hiking and praying! I'm a fan of CYE (www.cyexpeditions.org). And I'm a fan of you!

  3. :-) ...and isn't it ironic, don't you think? hahaha!
