Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday Fast Five: Volume 1

It’s the many small things that add up to the one big life.

Today my thoughts are scattered, like the newly fallen red and gold leaves outside my window. So it seems like a perfect time to try my hand at a Friday Fast Five. 


Thirty minutes on the pump, and my body ekes out a few drops of milk. I am amazed that I have been able to trick my body for this long. You see, it’s been more than a month since Mr. D’s last nursing attempt. I remember distinctly the last time, because I tried four or five times to get him latched, before I realized that he had forgotten how to nurse. No, all he remembered was how to bite. I am continuing to pump (just once a day now) for two reasons: 1. I figure something is better than nothing, and I’m hoping that these drops are jam-packed with antibodies for my sweet boy. 2. I am curious just how long I can keep it up.


I’m always telling Mr. D to be “gentle with mamma’s face, hair, etc.” Today, I allowed him to gently touch my eyelashes and my stroke my hair. It was such a tender moment with my not usually affectionate boy.


I successfully braved Costco yesterday. This is remarkable because just the thought of Costco speeds up my heartbeat and makes my palms sweat. I know, I know, I should love Costco. I thought maybe I would grow to love it once I had a child, like suddenly I would be sprinkled with the magic Costco dust, and sing its praises forevermore. But, alas, my anxiety over crowded parking lots, gigantic semi-sized carts, pallets stacked up three stories high, people everywhere, lines that extend into the nuts and snacks aisle….gets in the way of me seeing Costco’s (undeniable) virtues.


I will say, I was rewarded for my bravery: I successfully got in and out of Costco in less than an hour, and came back with enough ground beef for (hopefully) six months AND a deal to stay one night at Salish Lodge (if you’re a fan of the show Twin Peaks this is the real Great Northern), with spa treatments and breakfast included. So now the plan is to stay there to celebrate our (third!) anniversary. Relaxation is the name of the game this year. 


Like {nearly} everyone else, Fall is my favorite season. This summer was a long, dry, and hot one, and by the end of August I was ready for long pants and light jackets, and everything pumpkin. One of the less noted by the secular world, yet awesome parts of Fall (October in particular) is that practically every day is a major (in my mind at least) feast day. Yesterday was St. Therese of Lisieux's feast day, today is the Feast of the Guardian Angels, and October 4 is St. Francis of Assisi's feast day. Pretty much all my favorite saints in the span of a week! 

Did you do anything fun and creative to celebrate? We're still recovering from colds and all the craziness that was September, so that's my excuse this year for not making these, for example {But you totally should!}


  1. Did you seriously buy that much beef?! I give you five gold stars for braving Costco. I have all the same problems @ Sam's Club...jumbo bag of chocolate chips? Yes please! ;-)

    1. Yep, and we've already polished it off! Maybe I underestimated how much beef would last six months, or maybe we just eat a lot of beef. ;)
