Tuesday, November 17, 2015

9 Days to Gratitude: a Thanksgiving Novena {Day One}

I've been feeling the pull of ingratitude lately. The past few months we have seen more than our share of disappointments and hardship in nearly every area of our lives. It's been really rough. St. Ignatius of Loyola recommends that the key to combat desolation is to act against it. So, if I am feeling ungrateful, I need to practice gratefulness. It's as easy, and as hard, as that.

About a year ago, I decided to repurpose our wall calendar to be a documentation of our blessings. Each day of the month, we would (ideally) write down what we were thankful for that day. By the end of the month, we would have about thirty items to be thankful for.

Here's an example from the month Mr. D was born. 

Some days I really had to look hard for the good in the day...especially those newborn days where there really didn't seem to be a distinction between night and day. Some days, my entry was repetitive: "Andy" was a common one. We haven't done this every day, but the days we have remembered to do it have certainly increased our awareness of God's love and presence in our lives.

As we inch closer to the celebration of Thanksgiving, I felt the need to recall my blessings. So, in the spirit of the Novena, I will post for nine days about one person or thing that brings joy to my heart.

Day One

Today I am grateful for Mr. D. 

All photos credited to Josh Dietrich

His goofy grins. His fearless determination. His sloppy kisses that can quickly turn into "love bites" if I'm not careful. His wonder and growing awareness of the world. His heart for people: that kid loves people, especially babies and women. His exuberance--he literally bounces when he is excited. The look of joy on his face when he sees his daddy.

He holds a piece of my heart, and that will never change, no matter what life brings. He has made me change, and want to change, for the better. I want to be happy and healthy and holy so he has a happy, healthy, and holy mother.

I love you, my sweet Mr. D. You bring us so much joy. We love you so much.

1 comment:

  1. Oh so sweet, dear Marie. Lovely idea, lovely thankfulness. Happy-healthy-holy-and-handsome as we can be, so they will be too! ;)
