Wednesday, November 18, 2015

9 Days to Gratitude: a Thanksgiving Novena {Day Two}

Yesterday, I began a Thanksgiving Novena of sorts. You can read Day One here

Almost as soon as I posted my first day of Thanksgiving, our power went out. A huge windstorm knocked the power out throughout the Puget Sound area, and we were one of the thousands affected. Last night, as we sat in our dark living room, the only light coming from the ten or so flickering candles that we rounded up, Andy mused, "Well, I guess we know what you'll be grateful for in tomorrow's post!"

Yes, I am grateful for electricity, the power that makes life so much more pleasant and convenient. I am grateful for the men and women who braved the elements to restore power to us within 24 hours. I am grateful for my snug, little home, and for the connection that can come from technology.

Day Two

But today, I am most grateful for my parents-in-law, Ron and Merrie. 

Merrie was with us through the long labor and delivery, and was a tremendous support through those challenging first weeks. She continues to be my go-to for everything to do with motherhood and homemaking. We couldn't have made it through without her. 
Ron  and Mr. D at 4 days old for the Superbowl Game. Mr. D loves Grandpa Ron's serenades and expressive eyebrows. I know Andy looks to Ron as a role model for how to be a great dad. I can see why. :)

This morning, as we faced the reality of relying on electricity to power everything from our heat, to our lights, to our refrigerator, the one thought that kept us afloat was that we could always go down to Andy's parents house (where they fortunately never lost power). Andy sent a quick text, checking to make sure that it was okay for us to come down there. In response, Andy's dad assured us that we were always welcome. "You don't even have to ask. You're family."

We spent the afternoon in the warmth of their home. I always feel at home with Ron and Merrie, but today I was struck by just how blessed I am to call them family.

Thank you for welcoming me into this "crazy clan," as Grandma Sue would say. I hope you know how much I love you.

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